I've been absent for way too long here.
And I'm going to blame it on my camera.
It finally breathed its last slow breath a few weeks ago when it started taking pictures like this
and this
Kinda cool in a 70s, faded sort of way, but not what I was going for.
It's a good thing grandmas are around to capture the recent cuteness, as in someone's first lost tooth
(yes, that mouth is blue from her first/last taste of cotton candy)
And someone's flute recital.
Today I just purchased a new-to-me camera on craigslist (hooray for affordability and no trashy packaging)!
I was able to capture the schoolgirls themselves, taking a luxurious bath in a cardboard box.
This camera is similar to my old one, but I suddenly figured out how to make the flash less obtrusive.
While I haven't been taking many pictures lately, I have been sitting here
making loads of these.