Thursday, September 4, 2014

Historic America Vacay

Virginia and DC called, and we answered.  Actually we were invited to a wedding of a dear, long-lost friend, so we decided to make a proper trip of it.

Allegheny Trail

look out point somewhere in West Virginia

Chapel of the Centurion, Fort Monroe, VA

Jenny and Carsten

Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe

Langley Air Force Base

Buckroe Beach, VA

Colonial Williamsburg, VA

Williamsburg, VA

College of William and Mary, VA

Yorktown, VA

Yorktown Victory Monument, VA

yes, that's a cannonball from the Revolutionary War

our hosts

National Archives, Washington D. C.

Washington Monument

the White House is back there

the Lincoln Memorial and the reflecting pool

the Capitol Building

metro station

Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington

an entire outbuilding dedicated to spinning and weaving

Mount Vernon, VA

Air and Space Museum, D. C.

the Fredericks

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