Sunday, November 29, 2009

so much candy, so little _____

So much candy, so little . . .


Really, who wants to eat all that candy? Darel came home with two large boxes of leftover fundraiser candy bars. Sounds fun, but we really, really do not need to eat all of that candy.

So I did what any other rational, healthful mother would do. I made other people eat it.

I was assigned DESSERT to bring for the family Thanksgiving dinner. So I thumbed through my Frango cookbook.

I found these.

Because I have never had Frango chocolates in the house, and because I had an, ahem, excess of Caramellos, I decided to use the fundraising candy.

They were not too difficult and not too sweet. I loved the nuts but not the crumbliness.

And, for the pure buttery, cinnamony, heck of it, I also brought Monkey Bread.

And it was a happy Thanksgiving.

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