Inspired by the
Zero Waste Home, I decided to take a purposeful field trip. To my local grocery store. Yes, the one I go to just about every week.
What's so special about that?
I took jars.
To the deli counter.
And asked them to put my cheese in there instead of the plastic bags with zippers that always get stuck and tear off anyway.
Once we all got past the slightly confused look, everything went alright.
Me, my 5 yr-old, and my jar of Havarti went on our way.
Next stop: meat counter.
Since we eat almost no meat these economical days anyway, I wasn't sure what to ask for. So I heard myself saying, "I'd like one of those buffalo patties, please. Oh, and can you put it in here?" I plopped my jar on the counter.
Insert highly confused look.
"We're trying not to make so much trash at home."
"Well, I still have to weigh it."
Meat in jar. Stick on the label. And off we went.
I wondered if I would get more looks at the checkout, so I veered into the Self-Check lanes, where things went smoothly.
Menu tonight: Taco Salad with garden greens and onion, and browned buffalo! And a lot less trash.
Update: The next time I went back to the deli counter, the clerk said, "oh, you're the Jar Lady!" Nice.